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Telefoon: 4651515 | Spoed: 5216161

Veterinary Center Curacao

Professional care for your pets

At Claus Clinic, the care for your animal always comes first. Our motto is, Prevention First, in other words: Prevention is better than cure.

We are proud to be the only animal clinic in Curaçao with a health plan for your pets.

Of course we are also there for sick animals. We will treat and care for them with all the love.



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During opening hours: 465 1515
Outside opening hours: 521 61 61

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Prevention first is the primary goal of Claus Clinic. Of course, we are also here for sick animals. We will treat and care for them with all our love. However, we aim to help prevent your pet from getting sick! This includes the prevention of parvo, distemper, Lyme disease, heartworm, and other worms, especially esophageal worms, which can even cause tumors in the esophagus. And naturally, prevention of fleas, mange, demodectic mange, ear mites, and lice. In addition, we focus on the prevention of diseases and painful conditions in older animals. Claus Clinic specializes in the early detection of kidney disease, heart problems, and joint issues in older animals. Half of all dogs and cats aged 7 to 8 already suffer from painful joints, and you often won’t notice it. Through our focus on prevention and early detection of ailments in older animals, we prevent unnecessarily prolonged (painful) suffering. Early detection = less suffering = often lower costs.

Prevention First at Dierenarts Curacao

Prevention first is the primary goal of Claus Clinic. Of course, we are also here for sick animals. We will treat and care for them with all our love. However, we aim to help prevent your pet from getting sick! This includes the prevention of parvo, distemper, Lyme disease, heartworm, and other worms, especially esophageal worms, which can even cause tumors in the esophagus. And naturally, prevention of fleas, mange, demodectic mange, ear mites, and lice.

In addition, we focus on the prevention of diseases and painful conditions in older animals. Claus Clinic specializes in the early detection of kidney disease, heart problems, and joint issues in older animals. Half of all dogs and cats aged 7 to 8 already suffer from painful joints, and you often won’t notice it. Through our focus on prevention and early detection of ailments in older animals, we prevent unnecessarily prolonged (painful) suffering.

Early detection = less suffering = often lower costs.